Although women and girls are the largest group experiencing violence, the support system for victims of violence against women (VAW) in Poland is not sufficient. The goal of the project is to empower vulnerable groups by improving access to comprehensive and multidisciplinary assistance for women exposed to or at risk of violence and enhance knowledge on gender stereotypes and their impact on VAW in general public and specialized services. This will be achieved through running an intervention call centre for women – victims of abuse, legal and psychological counseling, support group, prevention workshops for women and adolescent girls, training for people working with victims of abuse, social media campaign and a debate. The project will benefit about 200 women and girls from Warsaw through direct support, and all members of society by nationwide social campaign.
Summary of project results
"According to study by Prof. Beata Gruszczyńska from the Institute of Justice more than 700 thousand women in Poland experience sexual and physical violence yearly. The analysis of data available in Poland demonstrates that only 30% of women experiencing violence from their partner report it. Victims of violence lack legal knowledge and access to free specialized assistance, especially long-term. Organisation's, research and case analysis demonstrate lack of knowledge, genuine assistance and protection in the institutions that have the obligation to take care of rape victims, and prevalence of stereotypes that cast blame on the victims of violence for what has happened to them. The aim was to support women experiencing violence by offering direct assistance, information and education measures. Thanks to the project 130 women, who have experienced violence received direct support, and about 400 people took part in the informational and educational activities. A hotline for women - victims of violence has been launched (800 notifications), legal advice was provided in 360 and psychological assistance in 160 cases, 30 support group meeting were organised for about 15 persons. WenDo workshops for women and girls (120 people) and training courses on stereotypes and gender-based violence for people working with victims of violence (86 people) were organised. One radio spot, 4 videos and one spot on the “rape culture"" (67 thousand YouTube views) were made. A debate with the representatives from the Norwegian partner organisation was organised. A manual for women experiencing violence and a publication covering the most interesting debates were published. Women experiencing violence participated in a social action (One Billion Rising). The partner organisation has provided consultation on combating and counteracting violence against women and on working with women experiencing violence; and has organised a study visit and participated in a debate"
Summary of bilateral results
A Study visit to foreign associate — Norwegian organisation Kvinner for Kvinner under Sanitteten, based in Steinkjer, took place between 6th and 9th May, 2014. 3 representatives of Feminoteka Foundation: Joanna Piotrowska, coordinator, as well as Jolanta Gawęda and Agnieszka Sosińska, who work with the hotline, took part in it. Following meetings took place as part of the study visit: 1) Visit at the shelter for women, who have experienced violence (located near Steinkjer). 2) Visit at the Filmfabrikken, an organisation responsible for Femina Film Festival. 3) Meeting with partners of the Kvinner for Kvinner under Sanitteten project created to perform actions against violence towards women, established within bigger organisation — Sanitteten. The main objective of the group is to focus on antiviolence activities. 4) Meeting with leaders of the Sanitteten organisation. 5) Meeting with employees of the Crisis Centre in Oslo. During the visit Feminoteka Foundation has expanded their knowledge about possible methods of practical actions in the area of violence against women. Partners had the opportunity to compare the conditions of guidance, support, functioning in the legal and social system, including the system of social support for women, who have experienced violence both in Norway, and in Poland. Learning about lobbying performed by organisations working in favor of women who have experienced violence — both on local, and central level inspired the Foundation to take some further actions and develop next project (Women's Anti-violence Network), which was financed by EEA Grants. Thanks to the visit in Crisis Centre in Oslo direct contacts have been established with an organisation which deals with violence against female refugees (including young girls), and knowledge about methods of action, reaching these groups, and the specifics of this work was exchanged. The Crisis Centre also provides educational actions concerning violence issues addressing both boys and girls. This, in turn, has resulted in partnership in „Women and men, boys and girls TOGETHER against gender stereotypes” project, financed by EEA Grants.