The project's objective is to combat hate speech, discrimination and acts of intolerance in cities and towns of the Lublin region, where refugee centres are located (Bezwola, Lublin, Łuków). In particular, it focuses on the experiences of migrant women. The project aims at increasing the level of tolerance towards refugees and preventing their discrimination through activities such as: a social campaign (also led on the Internet), workshops, artistic activities, conferences, seminars, meetings in Women’s Clubs, exchange of experiences with the Norwegian Partner - Norwegian People Aid. The target group are inhabitants of the cities and towns listed above but also, as a result of the Internet campaign, other people throughout the country. Teachers, students and female migrants will take part in the project. The project’s partner is one of the most experienced Norwegian NGOs active in the field of integrating migrants with the society and preventing racism.
Summary of project results
"Office for Foreigners statistics show that over recent years, several to more than ten thousand foreigners have been applying for refugee status per annum. In the Lublin voivodship, applicants find accommodation at dedicated centres and in private flats. Despite their local presence, refugee-related knowledge is fragmentary, frequently based on false information. This gives rise to misunderstandings and dislike of refugees, as proven i.a. in the Poles vs. the Refugee Issue report by CBOS (Public Opinion Research Centre). The intention of the project was to overcome barriers precluding refugee integration with local communities in the Lublin voivodship, and to promote a female refugee group. The project involved the sensitisation of approximately 350 adults and 263 children to refugee needs. The position of 26 female refugees engaged in project activities was strengthened. Three hundred and twenty-two sensitisation classes were delivered; children designed three peace village models and three theatre performances. Teachers attended 32 anti-discrimination workshops. Ten meetings were held at local Women's Clubs, refugees attending. Refugee circumstances were discussed at a conference attended by 58 persons, followed up by a Women Can Do It workshop for female teachers and refugees, delivered by representatives of a Norwegian partner organisation. An I am a Woman. I Live in Poland campaign was realised (comprising a music piece with clip, a TV reportage shown by the public TVP Lublin station, a viral movie, a Facebook profile, and three brief recordings telling individual stories. Project beneficiaries included 263 children and 160 teachers-workshop attendees, 140 integration meeting participants, and 58 conference attendees. The partner organisation contributed by presenting and applying the Women Can Do It method, and by sharing their knowledge and experience of integration activities (study visit to Norway, visits by partner organisation representatives to Poland)."
Summary of bilateral results
The Association - in a partnership with Norwegian People's Aid - carried out the project aimed at breaking down barriers in integration of refugees into the local community in Lublin. A special focus was given to engaging refugee women to this project. To strengthen cooperation with the partner and to establish new contacts, representatives of the Association took part in a study visit to Norway. They attended a series of meetings with organizations working for the integration of refugees and migrants in Bergen, visited a multicultural school and the City Council and met with organizations working for women's rights in Oslo. They also took part in the training organized by the Oslo Krisesenter (Crisis Center) on working victims of violence with a special focus on different cultural backgrounds of those victims.