Social revitalisation of public space using the strategy of Placemaking

Project facts

Project promoter:
The City Initiative Association
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 11,936
The project is carried out in:

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Developing of a public participation method in public space management, using the strategy of Placemaking - i.e. shaping crucial places for local community that enhance and promote social interactions and leisure activities. Most of the participatory projects in Gdańsk are ineffective and they don't achieve the change that they were supposed to make. The new model of participation will be developed based on pilot projects of development of two selected places in Gdańsk. The project includes: 1. Integration of inhabitants, existing grassroot groups, organisations and local leaders in local communities. 2. Developing together with local community long-term developmental strategies for the place. 3. Organisation of 4 city picnics to present the potential of the places (two picnics for every localisation). 4. Implementing together with inhabitants of the first stage of transformation of the place, to create a community around the place. The project originality lies in its orientation on public space seen as a place, and its focus on implementation.

Summary of project results

"The project resulted from the need to engage inhabitants in transforming public spaces in order to create spaces in which inhabitants would enjoy spending their time and with which they would identify. The aim of the project was to conduct social consultations on two localities in Gdańsk, using the method of placemaking, to verify the effectiveness of the method and introduce a real change in public space. The method consists in developing public spaces that would integrate local communities and give them a Place - the space where people feel ""at home"". Placemaking is both transforming public space and activating inhabitants - through cultural animation - to use the space. The consultations were led in Świętopełk Park and Ujeścisko Ravine - the names were devised by the organisation to start to give them their identity. The consultations with inhabitants and municipal institutions and the cultural events organised in the Świętopełk Park created a closely integrated group that would for sure continue activities for developing the place. The success of the activity convinced us and the inhabitants that participation makes sense - because it brings visible results. The activities led in the Ravine led to slight space amendments strengthening its recreational function. The consultation parts of the project resulted in developing two management concepts and publication of two Place Handbooks, describing proposals for further activities in the areas. Some initial implementation activities were conducted together with inhabitants to improve the appearance of the places - the installations indicate the future direction of changes in the localisations. During the project, 22 meetings with inhabitants and representatives of municipal institutions took place, including four city picnics. In total, the different activities gathered about 800 inhabitants of Gdańsk of different ages, as well as representatives of the District Councils, city councillors, the vice-president of the city of Gdańsk, representatives of the Directorate for Streets and Green Areas in Gdańsk. In the case of the Świętopełk Park, the project led to developing a draft that truly takes into account the interests of all participants of the process of space management - as witnessed by the fact that the city authorities decided on its full implementation."

Summary of bilateral results