School Voluntary Clubs for Deaf Young People in Małopolska

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for Regional Development Viribus Unitis
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 53,234
The project is carried out in:

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The project will train tutors and leaders of existing volunteer's clubs for deaf young people and improve the approach of 6 of them to better serve their clients. This experience and the methods of promoting volunteerism will contribute to the establishment of School/Student Voluntary Clubs serving deaf young people. The project's motto is “The Deaf for the Deaf". Project outcomes are expected to provide long-term foundations for voluntary activities in selected locations the Małopolska region. This concept being fairly universal, it will be easy and relatively inexpensive to roll out in the country and sustainability requires no significant upfront investment. The Applicant is one of the country's leading innovators offering programs for deaf people. Partners have been involved in numerous initiatives, some of them international, with a focus on support for people with a hearing problem and other disabilities.

Summary of project results

"Research conducted by the Polish Deaf Union in 2013 shows that over half of the hard of hearing population aged 15-20 would like to volunteer their time but only 6 per cent have had such an experience. Young people with disabilities hardly ever become volunteers not only because their deficits prevent them from engaging along with their healthy peers but also because they are not well integrated into the community or remain passive. The project aimed at developing and supporting voluntary activities among youth in Specialist School and Education Centres for Deaf Students in the Małopolska Province. The project formed six Student Volunteering Clubs in Nowy Sącz, Bochnia, Brzesko, Cracow and Tarnów. This helped develop a group of young leaders who can engage in local community initiatives. Young people with disabilities organised 15 volunteering campaigns and events targeting both the hearing impaired and healthy population. Young volunteers gained technical and management support from their tutors who had been trained within this project. The project developed a Multimedia Volunteer Guidebook and website: Project beneficiaries included deaf and hard of hearing youth from several Centres in the Małopolska Province. The project partner, the Polish Deaf Union, Małopolska Chapter, was responsible for recruiting participants and organising the study visit. Moreover, it provided professional sign language interpreters for project participants."

Summary of bilateral results