Project purpose is to integrate migrants from Warsaw (Legal Intervention Association - SIP) and Poznań (Adam Mickiewicz University Center for Migration Research - CeBaM) through interdisciplinary, advisory legal and integration services as well as translation assistance. SIP support will be targeted at the most vulnerable individuals strongly exposed to exclusion (victims of violence, single parents, children left without care, chronically ill and traumatized persons, migrants in detention and those abused by employers). In Poznań, where CeBaM is the only organization working specifically with migrants, support will be targeted at all foreigners. Additionally, the work on cooperation network of Poznań entities dealing with the subject matter of migration will be continued. Project value added will consist in direct contacts of staff from both Partner Organizations, incl. experience sharing, learning from one another, joint development of better strategies for migrant support.
Summary of project results
"Migrants in Warsaw and in Poznań encounter difficulties when dealing with public administration. Having a low level of legal awareness, they feel uncertain, lost and susceptible to abuse, especially those from vulnerable groups. In Poznań foreigners are not aware of their rights and lack institutional support. The project aimed to provide extensive support for the integration of migrants in Warsaw and in Poznań through legal and integrative counselling and translations. Direct support was given to 720 migrants, including 470 from particularly vulnerable groups. Two reports on the situation of foreigners in Poznań were drafted. Partner cooperation within the project has enabled to raise the skill level of the young organisation and strengthen cooperation with institutions dealing with migration in Poznań. Activities carried out in Warsaw included legal counselling (1522 cases), integrative counselling and interpreters-volunteers helping to handle administrative and health care matters (400 visits). Integrative counselling and 12 integrative meetings for migrants have been organised in Poznań. Two reports about the situation of migrants got published. Informational website for foreigners has been launched, a series of open lectures about migration organised and cooperation with Poznań City Hall strengthened. The team from the partner organisation has been trained by the association within support for migrants, has participated in internships and benefitted from consultations offered by the leading organisation. The beneficiaries of the project included foreigners with special needs residing in Warsaw (victims of violence, single parents, unaccompanied children, chronically ill, migrants in detention and persons abused by employers, 470 people) and foreigners residing in Poznań (250 people). The cooperation with the project partner - the Centre for Migration Studies in Poznań - has enabled to expand the activities in the city, where such support was not available."
Summary of bilateral results