The project is a response to the need to prepare local communities and institutions and school staff for arrival of refugees and supporting intercultural integration, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of refugee children education and equal treatment in schools. The project is in particular focused on developing competencies in counteracting stereotypes, prejudices, exclusion, discrimination and hate speech related to xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia. Under the project, education activities, integration meetings and activities to counteract hate speech on fun pages and in social media will be organised. The project supports helping roles of teachers and intercultural assistants in schools and enhances their competencies. We will prepare and publish materials supporting school staff in education on refugees and migrations and in working with differentiated school community.
Summary of project results
"Local communities, including school workers and institutions, are not properly prepared for receiving bigger groups of refugees, while according to the present commitments undertaken by Poland, schools should receive about three thousand refugee children. It would mean a four-fold growth of this group of children in schools. The fact that schools are not sufficiently prepared to conduct integration and antidiscrimination activities is also shown by the results of permanent monitoring led by the Antidiscrimination Education Society. The aim of the project was to support workers of schools and local institutions and selected local communities in their preparations to receive refugees. As a result of the activities undertaken under the project, a set of materials for better integration of refugees was prepared and competencies of schools and local institutions in this field were enhanced. Under the project, 37 hours of workshops and consultations ""How to prepare school for reception of refugee children?"" were conducted for school and university workers. In a primary school in Warsaw located close to the refugee centre, intercultural assistant was employed. In addition to that, two seminars were organised to promote employing intercultural assistants in schools, with participation of workers from schools, universities, non-governmental organisations and institutions responsible for formal education system in Poland. 21 hours of workshops were also conducted to enhance competencies of persons who work in schools as intercultural assistants or prepare to the role. 5 education and integration events were organised for selected local communities preparing to receive refugees, as well as 8 strategic meetings for local institutions and organisations in 3 municipalities where refugee centres are located. Several materials and publications were also prepared to support schools in receiving and working with migrant pupils, including books, booklets, postcards and lesson scenarios. The project benefited 750 persons who participated in education and information activities. The role of the partner organisations was to broaden the reach of the project and contribute their expert support."
Summary of bilateral results