Project consists in supporting the victims of human trafficking (VHT) in the context of their social reintegration. In Poland, each VHT may use the National Intervention and Consultation Center for Polish and foreign victims of human trafficking, but the center only offers crisis intervention. Project aims to prevent marginalization and secondary victimization of 30 VHT by making sure that they have found their place in the society. It will also support VHT in regulating their legal status and situation in life through developing their social competences and increasing awareness of their rights. Furthermore, analytical report will be prepared in summary of the project, listing specific challenges and emphasizing the need to select proper set of activities for this target group. Project activities will be targeted in particular at Polish female citizens abused in sex business, and at foreigners who find it hard to adapt to Polish environment.
Summary of project results
"Central Police Headquarters statistics prove that in the years 2010-2012, 527 human trafficking cases were detected in Poland, 1,052 victims identified. Human trafficking victims are a unique victim category - they find it very difficult to return to regular life in the wake of trauma; such persons usually remain excluded and marginalised. In Poland, human trafficking victims have since 2010 been offered support by the National Consulting and Intervention Centre for Polish and foreign human trafficking victims, operated by the Foundation on commission by the Minister of Home Affairs and Administration. The project purpose was to minimise the risk of secondary victimisation and marginalisation, and support human trafficking victims through integration by expanding the intervention offer (extended time of working with clients, individual and group sessions) and tailoring it to match individual predispositions and cultural backgrounds. The project allowed 41 persons to take advantage of individually tailored assistance offers (language courses, personal development workshops, courses valuable to the social integration process). Clients attended human rights workshops, Polish language classes, English language classes, budget planning classes, the ABC of assertiveness, self-defence classes, first aid classes, computer literacy classes, and relaxation and stress management workshops. Project participants improved their social awareness, self-perception, and sense of security. The project was attended by 41 persons from 8 countries - clients of the National Consulting and Intervention Centre for Polish and foreign human trafficking victims resident in or near Warsaw."
Summary of bilateral results