Due to an increase of discrimination, hate speech, aggression and physical violence towards the Romani in Poland the Roma People Association in Poland wants to create a Mobile Centre for Preventing Romani Discrimination, which will provide legal advice to the Romani people experiencing discrimination, monitor situation in towns where discrimination practices recently took place, as well as document and make public the instances of intolerance in Romani-non-Romani relations (reports published at the project’s website). The project will also include educational activities in the form of training courses for the representatives of the Romani’s environment and the representatives of this ethnic minority themselves (200 people trained). The implementation of the project will allow for responding to the escalating problem of discrimination in a comprehensive manner including strengthening Romani legal awareness and communication among the community in Poland.
Summary of project results
Discrimination of Roma in Poland is a widespread phenomenon. The EU-MIDIS report - “European Union minorities and discrimination survey" (2009) confirms it. Roma face resentment, rejection, neglect and even aggression. Constant legal and psychological support is indispensable in such circumstances. Roma rarely report on the cases of discrimination to the authorities or to the media. As much as 78% of Roma respondents from Poland are unaware that the discrimination they face is against the law. Roma are unfamiliar with organizations that could help them. Additionally, in case of conflict between a Roma and a Polish community there are no mediators, who could help facilitating the discussions. The objective of the Mobile Center Against Discrimination of Roma was to make all types of support offered so far, including counseling, legal interventions and mediations, more systematic and sustainable. Additional plan was to spread awareness about discrimination and the means of combating discrimination among Roma and the representatives of Roma social circles. Thanks to the center 2,500 Roma received complex help in cases of discrimination. 100 Roma were trained on responding to situations involving discrimination. 162 representatives of the majority society including police officers and social workers gained knowledge about discrimination of Roma and about the special character of Roma culture. The activities carried out within the Center include: monitoring and analysis of 600 online materials on discrimination of Roma, 2,000 telephone consultations and 1,200 cases of legal advice for Roma who experienced discrimination, 71 mediations in conflict situations and dozens of interventions regarding discriminatory provisions. There were 10 training courses for Roma carried out and 10 others for the representatives of Roma social surroundings: police officers, city guards and employees of MOPS (Municipal Social Welfare Center). 2,750 people, including 2,600 Roma benefited from the wide range of the Center's activities.
Summary of bilateral results