In Poland people with HIV who live in small towns and villages and are at risk of stigmatization and social exclusion due to HIV infection. The objective of the project is to empower this vulnerable group by offering support and assistance to people with HIV living in rural areas and/or small towns. The project will result in establishing of a system of support and assistance helping to achieve mental and physical well-being and social activation by people with HIV. This will be done by organising rehabilitation holidays, permanent support of virtual advisors provided through networking, and periodic group meetings dedicated to support and assistance, in order to improve the quality of life of participants. Project will benefit people with HIV (at least 120 persons) as well as their families and friends (at least 240 persons).
Summary of project results
"Persons infected with HIV are stigmatised which is particularly visible in smaller localities. In some regions of Poland, there are no organisations supporting persons living with HIV. Grantee's own observations and surveys show that there is an urgent need to offer help and support to patients with HIV living in rural areas or in small localities. The aim of the project was to support HIV-positive persons living in small localities who are endangered by stigmatisation and social exclusion because they are infected with HIV. As a result of implementation of the project, the support offer for persons infected with HIV from all over Poland was strengthened by launching phone and Internet advisory services and organising rehabilitation turns. Four two-week rehabilitation turns were organised covering 60 persons. The turn program included integration, antidiscrimination, psycho-education and rehabilitation lessons. A system for permanent support for people living with HIV was developed, including regular duties of advisers (over 170 talks during 320 hours of telephone and Internet duties) and participation in cyclical group meetings of informational-medical nature, as well as of support- help nature led by therapists and psycho-educators (48 two-hour meetings, gathering in all 93 persons). In all, the help was used by at least 153 persons with HIV and over 180 persons connected to them."
Summary of bilateral results