Participatory social campaign concerning taboo themes - actual, hidden acts of intolerance, discrimination and violence in Łódź. Creating minibanners - accessories and clothes with symbolic logos prepared during handicraft workshops - upcycling with different social groups. They will be handed over during public activities of the discussion club organised in open, popular public spaces of Łódź. We effectively launder taboo themes and change things for better! In addition, the project will be preceded by surveys on actual taboo themes in Łódź and activities to consolidate structures and competencies of organisations.
Summary of project results
"Albeit Łódź's promotional strategy includes references to heritage of four cultures, local residents continue displaying hostile and intolerant attitudes towards minorities and excluded groups (personal observations of the project organiser). The chief project purpose was to broach and overcome taboos by initiating public debates, to convince Łódź residents to engage in reflection on which forms of discriminations remain the key issue in town, and to change attitudes by organising workshops and applying artistic techniques. The project opened a public debate on matters relating to discrimination and exclusion. Attitudes of 300 Łódź residents towards minorities were examined, including a list of topics considered taboo. Over 600 persons were engaged in artistic activities, and given an opportunity to reflect on the issue of discrimination in Łódź. Qualitative and quantitative studies involving 300 representatives of different communities (business people, public officials, non-governmental organisation workers) were carried out to analyse forms of discrimination typical for Łódź. Research results were published on the project website, and used during workshop sessions (3 craftsmanship workshops, discussions included) and artistic activities (“Taboo Fest""). Two hundred up-cycling gadgets were produced: notebooks, accessories and clothing with symbolic graphic design referencing questions asked in taboo-related discussion. The Taboo Fest comprised concerts, anti-discrimination workshops, debates, exhibitions, and film screenings. Active project beneficiaries included approximately 1,000 persons (300 study participants, 100 workshop attendants, 500 engaged in Taboo Fest activities). Information concerning studies and artistic activities reached approximately another 1,000 recipients."
Summary of bilateral results