The project's objective is to change the city policy in the field of sports and leisure in Koszalin so that the public offer matched inhabitants' needs. As a result of citizens' sports monitoring led by the Sustainable Development Institute, a report was prepared recommending enhancing participation of citizens in developing local public policy. The city authorities conceded that the needs of inhabitants in the field of sports and leisure should be surveyed in order to develop solutions meeting the expectations of citizens. It was agreed that the role of SDI in the process will be to engage inhabitants in activities leading to development of a participatory sports policy in Koszalin. Under the project, the city inhabitants together with local authorities and experts, using participatory techniques (World Cafe, Scenario Workshop, research walk and Participatory Appraisal), will develop new principles for organising sports life in Koszalin that will better suit their needs.
Summary of project results
"The Civic Monitoring of Sports conducted in 2013-1014 showed that there was a problem of insufficient participation of inhabitants of Koszalin in developing city sports policy. The city authorities decided to develop detailed City Development Strategy in the area of sports and recreation. The Institute of Sustainable Development decided to prepare civic recommendations for the municipal document on city sports policy. The aim of the project was to include needs of inhabitants in the city sports and recreation policy. As a result of the project activities, a report was prepared that presented opinions of inhabitants on the conditions for amateur sports activity in the city. The document was supplemented with remarks from the city president's Sports Council and in December will be forwarded to the authorities of Koszalin. In addition, participants of the meetings filed 7 applications to civic budget of Koszalin concerning activities related to civic recommendations. Under the project, 12 meetings were organised with inhabitants of Koszalin, representatives of sports clubs, civic organisations and local authorities in various places open to general public. In addition to inhabitants and sports activists, also city councillors and representatives of city authorities were invited. As a result of the ideas and opinions presented during the meetings, 10 research walks were organised. Research groups, based on conclusions and ideas worked out during the first phase of the project, prepared photographic documentation of the places. Based on the activities, a report on amateur sports in Koszalin was prepared. As a result of the project activities, on the initiative from the chancellor of the Koszalin Technical University, an academic conference was organised concerning city sports activities on the lake Jamno."
Summary of bilateral results