Implementation of standards of equal treatment in education and in public institutions

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation for Social Diversity (FSD)
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels,
Civil servants/Public administration staff
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 54,277
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project is a response to the need to introduce permanent, real and systemic solutions in the field of implementing and disseminating standards of equal treatment in schools and public institutions. The aim of the project is to counteract discrimination in formal educational system and in public institutions through the following activities: 1) Support for 6 schools (at least 4 of them outside Warsaw) in developing and implementing Codes of Equal Treatment - internal standards of equal treatment. 2) Support for 1 public institution in developing and implementing the Code of Equal Treatment - internal standards of equal treatment. 3) Promoting and disseminating Codes of Equal Treatment (among decision-makers connected with formal education system and public administration) as tools for tailored and comprehensive development of standards of equal treatment and non-discrimination in institutions.

Summary of project results

"In Polish schools and public institutions the lack of sufficient institutional and practical solutions to counteract discrimination can be seen. An important task in this field is to prepare and implement standards for equal treatment. The mechanism should increase chances to introduce effective, permanent and systemic anti-discrimination solutions in formal education and public institutions. The grantee's experiences show that some institutions are willing to develop standards of equal treatment in their establishments, but they need expert support in this field. The aim of the project was to provide support for educational and other public institutions in developing anti-discrimination mechanisms. As a result of the project activities, in five education establishments the Codes for Equal Treatment were developed and implemented. Under the project, support was offered to nine schools in developing and implementing anti-discrimination mechanisms. The support consisted in 125.5 hours of workshops, consultations and supervisions for school communities that covered 311 persons. Similar expert support was given to one public institution, i.e. the Department for Foreigners. The institution benefited from 57 hours of anti-discrimination workshops and consultations that covered 139 persons. Experiences from cooperation with schools and the public institution were summed up during two evaluation meetings with participants of the project. The results of the activities were disseminated during an open summary seminar that gathered 63 persons. A guidebook on equal treatment was also prepared and distributed among public institutions, as well as four booklets describing in an easy and compact way the idea of institutional anti-discrimination solutions. The project benefited 147 members of educational personnel, 53 parents, 109 school students, and 139 persons working in public institutions."

Summary of bilateral results