"The project will be implemented in Zatorze, the oldest and the most neglected residential area in the city of Olsztyn. Activities will target children and young people and their environment, i.e. their parents/custodians and neighbours. Five squares will see animation activities being performed to encourage residents to embark on initiatives to serve their community where they have a change of jointly deciding what to do and how. Furthermore, workshops will be offered and the topics will include photography, film, interpersonal communication, conflict resolution and counteracting online hate speech. The project will contribute towards children and young people demonstrating higher levels of community involvement, commitment and joint decision-making about their hometown and community with the participation of their parents and neighbours. Thus, we will strengthen their sense of agency and influence, improve self-confidence and develop their collaboration and interpersonal communication skills. The project will contribute to changing perceptions of the Zatorze area among Olsztyn residents."
Summary of project results
"Zatorze is the oldest, the smallest, the most densely populate and the most disadvantaged neighbourhood in the city of Olsztyn. Unemployment exceeds 20 per cent in the area whereas the city average is 8.5 per cent (March 2014, Regional Labour Office, Olsztyn). Individuals who have been long-term unemployed and those who have been dependent on welfare often see no point in being active in their community. This also applies to children and youth. There has been much vandalism caused by youth in the absence of any relevant activities in the area. The project aimed at involving children and youth threatened by social exclusion in Zatorze in local community projects and help them learn about meaningful and useful ways of spending leisure time. The local people (including 581 children and youth), who have never been involved in their community before, took part in neighbourhood initiatives launched by the project. They submitted their first ever three proposals for local development to the participatory budget; they learned to take care of the vicinity of their tower blocks; they planted flowers, installed benches and made paths. The project organised neighbourhood meetings, 12 community initiatives, workshops, film screening and study trips. More than 2,600 individuals took part in all the events. Residents met 100 times and about 1,000 people celebrated the two-day Zatorze Festival. The project targeted children and youth as well as adult residents of the Zatorze district of Olsztyn. The project was implemented in partnership. The Creative Development Foundation was responsible for designing and delivering the workshops and facilitating the community initiatives. It also supported activities organised in one of the yards. The Food Bank in Olsztyn provided food items for the Zatorze Festival and community initiatives."
Summary of bilateral results