"This is My Bit of the Park..." – Participation for Nature in the City

Project facts

Project promoter:
Sendzimir Foundation
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 27,356
The project is carried out in:

More information


The project will drive a civic participation process to develop proposals for managing two city parks in Silesian cities Jaworzno. This will create space for the local people to express their opinions on the functions and types of development and to get involved in design and implementation. This will strengthen the sense of control over public spaces in their local community. The project will offer opportunities to develop new skills of representing and driving local initiatives. In parallel, guidelines will be formulated to ensure that ecosystem functions are taken into consideration in local planning to make future projects contribute to the quality of the local environment and biodiversity. The involvement of local government and a design company will help reach out to as many local residents as possible and insure quality design work.

Summary of project results

"Park Podłęże and Park Lotników are very important green areas in Jaworzno in view of their localisation in the urban centre in the vicinity of two big housing complexes, an in view of neighbouring industrial plants: power generation plant and nitrogen chemical plant that have negative impact on the quality of life of inhabitants. Both parks have for long remained neglected, they lack appropriate infrastructure to encourage inhabitants to visit them or the infrastructure is desolate. Local authorities in Jaworzno started preparations for revitalisation of both parks. They were ready to listen to opinions and needs of inhabitants before starting construction and refurbishment works. The aim of the project was to plan revitalisation of the parks so as to meet the needs of inhabitants of Jaworzno. Civic projects for refurbishment of Park Podlęże and Park Lotników became documents based on which municipal authorities in Jaworzno called for tenders for preparation of project documentation. In addition, inhabitants engaged in the project filed an application under the participatory budget to renovate the playing ground in Park Podlęże. The needs of inhabitants related to both parks and their use were diagnosed. At the same time, open meetings with inhabitants (4 public forums) and workshops (two two-day and 6 one-day workshops) were organised where inhabitants worked on plans to revitalise parks. 2 executive workshops were also conducted. Developed proposals were presented during two family picnics organised in the parks where inhabitants presented further opinions. Civic concepts for management of both parks were prepared. In all, in the works on civic concept to revitalise parks 1000 inhabitants of Jaworzno took part. In addition, an initiative was launched to create a Civic Council for Parks. The municipal office in Jaworzno promoted the activities through articles and information published on the web page jaworzno.pl and in local press, posting information on FB profile ""Miasto Jaworzno"", posters on the streets and in municipal offices, articles and advertisements in the paper ""Gazeta Przystankowa"", promotional films, and it also secured inclusion of the proposals from inhabitants in revitalisation projects. MS Design Unit prepared projects for park management based on ideas voiced by inhabitants."

Summary of bilateral results