“Thermomodernization of school in Kamienny Most”

Project facts

Project promoter:
Craft Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises
Project Number:
Target groups
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 178,404
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to increase the energy efficiency and thereby reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the school in Kamienny Most by subjecting the school building to thermo-modernization. The project will be carried out the following activities: the replacement of windows, the modernization of the central heating system, the replacement of biomass boilers, and the warming of the last floor. Through these measures, the school building will be insulated and modernized, which in turn will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The main beneficiaries of the project are the residents of Kamienny Most and students at the school in Kamienny Most.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was to increase the energy efficiency and thereby reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the school in Kamienny Most by subjecting the school building to thermo-modernization. Within the project over 670 of m2 of partition were insulated, 108 windows were replaced. Interior installation was modernized and two biomass boilers with a power in amount 200 kW were installed. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (397 Mg/year) and to increase energy production from RES (425 MWh/year). The main beneficiaries of the project are the residents of Kamienny Most and students at the school in Kamienny Most.

Summary of bilateral results