Thermomodernization of public utility buildings in Maków Podhalański Commune

Project facts

Project promoter:
community Maków Podhalański
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Schools and other institutions providing education and/or training at all levels
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 596,493
The project is carried out in:


The need for investment stems mainly from business by the Maków Podhalański Commune policy concerning environmental protection, pollution reduction, and also reduction of the cost of public administration in the Commune. The project is needed to carry building work related to thermal modernization public buildings in the Maków Podhalański Commune. Construction work will include thermal insulation of external walls, roof insulation, replacement of windows and doors, replacement of energy-efficient lighting and heating system and tap water. Currently, the buildings covered by this project require urgent modernization activities, aimed at thermomodernisation. In particular roof and windows and doors in poor condition, also requires obsolete lighting, with energy-efficient lighting. The modernizeation program also requires the installation of a central heating system which will include the heater and thermo valves, in addition to the domestic hot water systems which will be supplemented by solar panels. The main results of the project will be measured by the following indicators: Reducing emissions or avoided emissions of CO2 [Mg / year] - 675.87 Production of energy from renewable energy sources [MWh / year] - 12.86 Implementation of the project will lead to the limitation of emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Increase the use of renewable energy sources. The project will also positively influenced the environmental awareness of residents and contribute to the promotion of good environmental practices. The main beneficiary will be Maków Podhalański Commune, which by the investment will improve energy efficiency in buildings covered by the construction work. In contrast, due to the improvement of air quality, beneficiaries will also include people living in the community. Among the beneficiaries of the project will be employees of public utility buildings as well as school buildings covered by the project, and school students.

Summary of project results

Buildings covered by this project required urgent investements, aimed at thermomodernisation. In particular roofs, windows and doors were in poor condition, also obsolete lighting required changes. Thermomodernisational works covered 4 public utility buildings (schools and city hall). Within the project over 11,1 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated, over 140 windows and doors were replaced. Modernised were interior installations and lighting. Installed were ecological boilers and solar collectors. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (674 Mg/year). Project also positively influenced the environmental awareness of residents and contributed to the promotion of good environmental practices. The main beneficiary is Maków Podhalański Commune, which by the investment improved energy efficiency in buildings covered by the project. Due to the improvement of air quality, beneficiaries are also people living in the community.

Summary of bilateral results