Thermal renovation of hospital buildings in Gołdap

Project facts

Project promoter:
district Gołdapski
Project Number:
Target groups
Elderly people,
People with cancer
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 0
The project is carried out in:

More information


The need to carry out the project results from the inspection of the present technical condition of the buildings owned by the poviat (administrative district) of Gołdap and used for healthcare purposes. The present thermal and energy efficiency of these buildings is unsatisfactory. The main objective behind the project is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and air pollutants through thermal renovation of the buildings, using energy-efficient and green heat sources. The project is expected to improve the energy efficiency of four public utility buildings and increase the output of energy from renewable sources. The project will encompass activities aimed at streamlining the use of energy needed to operate the above-mentioned buildings, and, consequently, reducing the quantity of combustible energy sources. If the project is not carried out, the technical condition of the public utility buildings in question will gradually deteriorate, and, consequently, their use may have to be reduced or discontinued.

Summary of project results

Beneficiary has resigned from project implementation (letter 29.05.2015)

Summary of bilateral results