The aim of the project is to save energy by replacing the existing heat sources in a number of public buildings in the Commune of Przywidz with green technology, such as heat pumps and energy-saving light sources. The project will improve the energy efficiency of the buildings and thereby reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. By decreasing the air pollution in the commune, the life conditions of the inhabitants will be improved, as will the image and investment attractiveness of the commune.
Summary of project results
Projects implementation has contributed to improving of energy and economic efficiency in the Przywidz Municipality. Thermomodernisational works covered 6 public utility buildings (including schools). Within the project over 4.7 of m2 of partition were insulated, 156 of m2 of window frames and 33 of m2 of door frames were replaced. 6 heat sources have been modernised, installed were 8 RES devices (heat pumps). Interior lighting was exchanged for ecological one. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (1017 Mg/year) and to increase energy production from RES (175 MWh/year). Beneficiary emphasized that by decreasing the air pollution in the commune, the life conditions of the inhabitants will be improved, as will the image and investment attractiveness of the commune. Meetings with local community proved that project was visible and important.
Summary of bilateral results