The project is needed because of the large energy losses, which result in excessive emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants generated during the combustion of fuels for heating and lighting of schools in the City of Żory. The objective of the project is the thermo-modernization of buildings, including the replacement of energy-efficient lighting. The main goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants generated during the combustion of fuels for heating and lighting of five educational establishments in Żory. This aim will be achieved through comprehensive thermo-modernization. Żory Municipality and its inhabitants will benefit from the implementation of the project.
Summary of project results
Improving energy efficiency in Żory is one of the projects results. Thermomodernisational works covered 5 public utility buildings (including school). CO2 emission reduction amount 1,115.76 Mg/year. 8 internal installations have been modernised, conducted works concerned also lighting replacement. The Beneficiary claims that he gain also experience in implementing projects co-financed from external sources.
Summary of bilateral results