This project aims at the reduction of CO2 emission and energy use in buildings of the Silesian University of Technology through the production of electricity and heat from renewable energy sources and the modernization of indoor lighting. According to analysis, the buildings are in no satisfactory condition. They require a high level of generated energy, which results in high operating costs and high bills for electricity and heat. The main project objective is the reduction of CO2 emission and improvement of energy efficiency and production of energy from renewable sources in public buildings. Overall CO2 reduction will be: 2899 MgCO2; production from renewable energy sources: 444 MWh/year; and heat production from renewable sources: 1561 GJ/year. The project includes a photovoltaic panels installation; heat pump installation; thermo-modernization of a building; lighting modernization; and installation of thermostatic valves with remote control, a ventilation centre with heat recovery, and a ground-coupled heat exchanger. The project also provides the public at national, regional and local level with information, and thus promotes the Grants.
Summary of project results
This project aimed at the reduction of CO2 emission and energy use in buildings of the Silesian University of Technology through the production of electricity and heat from renewable energy sources and the modernization of indoor lighting. According to analysis, the buildings were in no satisfactory condition. They required a high level of generated energy, which resulted in high operating costs and high bills for electricity and heat. The main project objective was the reduction of CO2 emission and improvement of energy efficiency and production of energy from renewable sources in public buildings. Thermomodernisational works covered 2 public utility buildings, within the project over 8,3 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated. Mounted were window shading devices, power management systems and photovoltaic cells. Ventilation and cooling installations were modernised and interior lighting was exchanged for ecological one. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (2141 Mg/year) and increase energy production from RES (160 MWh/year). The project also provided the public at national, regional and local level with information, and thus promotes the EEA and NFM funds.
Summary of bilateral results