The project is needed due to the low efficiency of the old coal boiler which causes severe environmental pollution and poor insulation of the constructional partitions of buildings belonging to the Spa hospital. This situation causes the spa to pollute the environment and consumes large amounts of energy. The main objectives of the project are to increase the number of public utility buildings with thermal modernisation and number of modern heat sources. The expected results are the reduction of emissions of harmful substances from coal burning and the decrease in energy demand for health recovery activities. Additionally part of the main hospital building's needs for heat and electricity will be generated by sun radiation. The project will build a new natural gas boiler and disassemble the old boiler. The old boiler house is situated few hundred meters from the main building, as the new boiler will be. This also reduces the loss of heat during transport. In all buildings additional isolation will be mounted in proper way, both in quantity and quality. The direct beneficiary is the Spa Hospital and the inhabitants of the region.
Summary of project results
The project was needed due to the low efficiency of the old coal boiler and poor insulation of the constructional partitions of buildings which caused severe environmental pollution. Projects implementation has contributed to improving of energy and economic efficiency in the hospital. Thermomodernisational works covered 4 public utility buildings. Within the project over 6,3 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated, old windows and doors were replaced. Installed were heat pumps (2) and ecological boilers. Also installations (including ventilation) were modernized. Interior lighting was exchanged for ecological one. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (1447 Mg/year) and to increase energy production from RES (116 MWh/year). The direct beneficiary of projects is the Spa Hospital and the inhabitants of the region.
Summary of bilateral results