The main problem of Pajęczno is the quality of the air, which importantly decides about ecosystem functioning and influences on inhabitants living conditions. The main source of air pollution in Pajęczno is emission which comes from industrial activity, living sector and communication. The main aim of the project is improvement of quality and access to public medical services which can be done by reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution caused by production of thermal energy. Direct aim of this project is Thermo-modernization of two buildings which belong to SPZOZ Pajęczno. Profits that will be achieved as a result of these aims: reduction of heating and lighting costs, increase of energy effectiveness, improvement of a condition of natural environment in region thanks to reduction of air pollutants. Realization of the project will effectively contribute not only to the improvement of the Unit work but also to increase of the quality and access of the medical services. Challenges of the project will be achieved through increasing the inhabitants’ life quality. It aims as well at reducing the influence of human activity on the condition of natural environment by reducing the energy consumption of buildings including minimization of co2 pollution in atmosphere about 304Mg/year. Project applies the whole region as it influences the Pajęczno district. Patients will have environmentally friendly place. Hospital conditions will be improved and as a result social aspect will be reached. By reducing demand for energy, hospital costs will be minimized. Project is consistent with women and men equality, including the gender equality on the particular levels. Both, women and men, will have the same access to health benefit. The effects of the project will be available to women and men irrespective of race, age or religion.
Summary of project results
The main problem of Pajęczno is the quality of the air, which importantly decides about ecosystem functioning and influences on inhabitants living conditions. The main source of air pollution in Pajęczno is emission which comes from industrial activity, living sector and communication. The main aim of the project was improvement of quality and access to public medical services, done by reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. Direct aim of this project was Thermo-modernization of two buildings which belong to SPZOZ Pajęczno. Within the project over 3,8 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated, almost 50 windows and doors were replaced. Modernised were interior installations and lighting. 2 biomass boilers have been installed. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (304 Mg/year) and to increase energy production from RES (289 MWh/year). Project applies the whole region as it influences the Pajęczno district. Patients have environmentally friendly place. Hospital conditions are improved and as a result social aspect is reached.
Summary of bilateral results