Improving energy efficiency through thermomodernisation of Lubin Regional Health Centre Ltd. facilities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Regionalne Centrum Zdrowia Limited liability company
Project Number:
Target groups
Elderly people,
People with rare diseases
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 820,741
The project is carried out in:


Completing the project will reduce energy requirements while at the same time reducing air pollution. This will improve living conditions of inhabitants of the region and will also positively affect treatment procedures and work conditions of the hospital personnel. The objective of the project is to improve energy efficiency of the buildings in which medical services to the public are provided. Completing the project will reduce energy requirements and limit the emission of air pollutants. The project will contribute to fulfilling the goals of the PL04 'Saving energy and promoting renewable energy sources' agreement. Completing the project will achieve reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollutants. The project objectives will be achieved by accomplishing the following tasks: - replacing central heating installation and its controls in the Hospital's buildings, - modernizing hot water systems in the Hospital's buildings, - insulating walls and flat roofs, - replacing windows in the Hospital's buildings.

Summary of project results

The main aim of the project was to reduce energy requirements while at the same time reduce air pollution in order to improve living conditions of inhabitants of the region and positively affect treatment procedures and work conditions of the hospital personnel. Conducted were thermomodernisational works that covered 4 buildings. Within the project over 7,4 thousands of m2 of partition were insulated, over 179 windows and doors were replaced. 8 interior installations were modernised. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (1136 Mg/year).

Summary of bilateral results