The project is of huge importance because it will contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency in public buildings. The project will also have a positive impact on the promotion of energy saving and environmental education in the CommuneCegłów. The aim of the project is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings and the promotion of energy efficiency. The result of the investment carried out will be a reduction of CO2 emissions by 251.71 Mg / year. This effect is achieved through thermo-modernisation of 4 buildings, the replacement of one heat source and the exchange of indoor lighting. The project will be carried out taking into account the energy standards that reduce heat emission, as designed. The project will be implemented in accordance with legislative standards. The project will be of great benefit to both local residents, users and operators of the buildings at the Municipality Cegłów, including reduced operating costs for the facilities, and above all it will benefit the local environment as well as reducing CO2 emissions.
Summary of project results
Thermomodernisational works covered 4 public utility buildings (including schools, sports hall and commune office). Within the project 4173 m2 of partition were insulated, two internal installations have been modernized. Lighting has been replaced for energyefficient. Investment allowed to reduce CO2 emission (232 Mg/year). The Beneficiary emphasized that thanks to projects implementation whole project team manage to gain new experience and knowledge both in EEA projects implementation and in ecological and environmental issues.
Summary of bilateral results