Reconstruction of the system of small water reservoirs in the Romincka Forest Special Area of Conservation for the purpose of enhancing biodiversity

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation Romincka Forest
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 112,926
The project is carried out in:


In recent years, the number of amphibians has been decreasing in Poland. Drainage of marshes and disappearance of natural ponds and small water flows are considered as the main reasons behind this process. The problem consists, especially in agricultural areas, in the maintenance of small water reservoirs which amphibians need for reproduction. Small reservoirs are disappearing as a result of silting and succession processes: plants which overgrow them “pump out” water, as a result of which those reservoirs are drying up. This makes the full development of amphibians impossible. The aim of the project is the improvement of the amphibians' living conditions in agricultural areas surrounding Romincka Forest. The project will ensure that the system of small water reservoirs will be improved, and that 45 small water reservoirs, which suit amphibians’ needs, will be reconstructed through removal of excess plants and organic deposits from their bottoms. The nature in general, the amphibians and local farmers are expected to benefit from the project.

Summary of project results

During the project implementation, the conservation status of 8 species in Natura 2000 areas and one of the site Natura 2000 was improved. 45 water reservoirs have been restored. The area wholly improved of the areas where ecosystems have been restored or protected it 14620 [ha]. The folder that has been an educational and promotional function has also been developed. The project was international in nature, participants came from Lithuania and Russia - nature conservation and NGO activists. The overall purpose of the project was achieved.

Summary of bilateral results