The project is needed because currently, both common ash and elms are facing a serious threats, being affected by diseases, and whither away at a rapid pace. The aim of the project is to preserve the biological diversity of the NATURA 2000 habitats through ex situ conservation of the genetic resources in the form of seeds and shoots harvested from the populations of, and the individual, common ash and three elm species. The project will ensure the preservation of common ash and elm species' biological diversity by creating genetic resources from seeds and dormant buds collected at sites located in NATURA 2000 areas in Poland. The genetic resources storage enables the preservation of healthy genotypes until effective methods can help mitigate the symptoms and prevent existing tree objects from pathogen infection. The Kostrzyca Forest Gene Bank is expected to benefit from the project.
Summary of project results
All activities planned within project have been implemented, the final report has been approved. The goal of the project has been achieved: Increased efficiency of management and monitoring of the Natura 2000 areas. Improved the conservation status of the four NATURA 2000 species included in the project (Fraxinus excelsior L., Ulmus glabra Huds., Ulmus laevis Pall., Ulmus minor Mill.). Within the project the following activities were implemented: organization of conferences, competitions, educational workshops; preparation and publication of the website, educational articles and folders. The main objective of promotional activities was to inform the widest possible audience about the project, to provide the rationale for taking protective measures, as well as to inform about the environmental importance of the NATURA 2000 areas. The promotion of the project allowed dissemination of information on the deterioration of the state of the elm and ash habitats. Discussions were held on the possibility of improving this condition, especially in the context of the disappearance of species included in the project.
Summary of bilateral results
The exchange of experience and information concerned, first of all, practical solutions for dealing with forest reproductive material, setting up forest plantations and modern Polish solutions regarding securing forest plantations against the inflow of foreign pollen in order to obtain high quality genetic seeds. The project has been evaluated as extremely interesting and worth imitating, especially in those European countries in which the dying of ash and elm stands deteriorated due to the deterioration of their habitats.