Environmental education on biodiversity does not reach the elderly and thus does not use their wealth of life experience to achieve the inter-generational interaction that can increase the ecological consciousness of families and children. The objective of the project is to increase awareness of and education in biodiversity and ecosystem services among seniors and their families. We expect that seniors and grandchildren will become conscious nature observers. The project implementation will contribute to achieving the following results: an incentive programme for UTA Leaders; a nationwide press campaign; lectures and interactive events for seniors and children; and information and promotion activities. The project will create biodiversity-friendly attitudes among seniors, and improve their knowledge and activities in this area to understand the impact of biodiversity on life quality. The target group of the project is seniors above the age of 60 and indirectly their families, especially the children and youth.
Summary of project results
The overall goal of the project has been achieved. All project indicators has been achieved. Overall objective of the indicator - The number of people involved in educational activities and promoting biodiversity conservation has reached a target value of 287,550. Indicator value - Number of non-governmental organizations carrying out biodiversity conservation activities has reached value 1. During the project implementation a number of educational activities were implemented: 11 workshops, 1 training, 3 conferences and 50 trainings lecture . During the project one brochures for 1,000 listener were produced. During the project the educational articles were prepared and published for 136 000 readers. One educational event was organized. An educational book of 12,000 copies was published and distributed. A number of informational and promotional materials have been produced and distributed.
Summary of bilateral results