Kids nowadays spend most of the days indoors, don't experience nature often, don't know the names of plants and animals, and are afraid of the forest. Most of them do not feel any connection with nature, and hence, they are not going to be willing to protect it. A better understanding and appreciation of nature among kids is thus necessary. In this project we want to spread among approximately 2 000 institutions new methods of outdoor environmental education, which will the ease process of learning about nature, raise competences of teachers and educators by giving them training, and give approximately 2 400 pupils the opportunity to experience outdoor environmental education with us, thereby falling in love with wild nature. The project contributes to this aim by training trainers and teachers in methods of the outdoors, adventure, education, and giving tools like handbook and film. The people expected to benefit from the project are the kids who will participate in the workshops and forests schools, teachers and trainers who will learn new methods, and in the bigger picture - nature itself, which will be better conserved by an involved and informed society.
Summary of project results
The overall goal of the project has been achieved. All project indicators have been achieved. Overall objective of the indicator - The number that has participated in educational activities and promoting biodiversity conservation has exceeded the target value and amounted to 4220 people. Indicator value - The number of non-governmental organizations implementing biodiversity conservation has reached a value 2. The project carried out a number of educational activities (workshops, training and conferences). During the project has been published one book (2000 items). One reportage and ten films were produced. A large number of teachers and students hase been activated. The project was very popular and proved to be a great success. Many people ask about his follow-up, and the participants emphasize that project was changed their working life and the way they work with children.
Summary of bilateral results