Grasslands biodiversity conservation in the eastern lubelskie region

Project facts

Project promoter:
Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Lublin
Project Number:
Target groups
Civil servants/Public administration staff,
Manager, leaders, teachers, trainers, administrators and technical staff from eligible institutions
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 207,470
The project is carried out in:


Grasslands are an aggregation of semi-natural vegetation. This means that grassland habitats will not survive on their own, but only in partnership with people. Most of the grassland habitats throughout Europe maintain their open character through extensive use, mostly by grazing and mowing. The aim of this project is to stop the loss of grassland biodiversity habitats in the eastern Lubelskie region; to strengthen the population of Echium russicum and Chamaecytisus albus; to restore degenerated xerothermic grassland patches in the Drewniki Natura 2000 site; to restore extensive grazing on xerothermic grasslands for 3 Natura 2000 sites; and to prepare conservation plans for 6 Natura 2000 sites; to improve habitat conditions; to curb the succession of undesirable species on selected xerotheromic grasslands by active conservation; and to iintroduce traditional agriculture (mainly extensive grazing) on parts of the project’s grasslands. The managing authorities of Natura 2000 sites, local authorities, local communities and farmers are expected to benefit from teh project.

Summary of project results

The overall goal of the project has been achieved. All project indicators have been achieved. Overall Objective Indicator Target - The number of protection plans or conservation plans for Natura 2000 has been reached (6). Indicator The improvement of conservation status of species included in Natura 2000 sites has been achieved by the target value (2). Indicator The number of areas covered by the project to restore biodiversity in Natura 2000 sites has also reached the target value (8). The implementation of the project contributed to the partial stoppage of the biodiversity loss process through actions: removal of bushes, mowing, raking, sheep grazing. Protected conservation plans have also been developed for seven Natura 2000 sites. The project has effectively activated the social population. Information and promotion activities (including 2 book publications) have brought the local community the role of open habitats and indicated the possibility of using them in accordance with the principles of nature conservation.

Summary of bilateral results