It’s an educationally-information campaign, which purpose is incrementation of social consciousness about biological diversity and education in this domain in coherence with climatic changes and economic value of ecosystems. It has to inform Poles about value of diversity of biological sea and bring closer specificity and its unique - show, that this diversity dies out or it is threatened in many places. Unfortunately, in our society there is lack of knowledge and consciousness about how important is protection of biodiversity of Baltic Sea. In order to maintain a value of ecosystems of Baltic Sea, everyone must act according to principles of level-headed development and respect nature and environmental laws, in which we lives in. Campaign has to effect on human by creating a need to protect this value. Realization of project effect on society knowledge and consciousness of sea biodiversity. The target group is whole Polish society especially children, adolescents and teachers because in the early age it’s easier to effect on them. This project will teach them how to behave and how to take care of biodiversity of our sea. This knowledge will be useful when they grow up.
Summary of project results
The project’s main achievement was to Increase social awareness of biodiversity and education in this area in connection with climate change and the economic value of ecosystems. (number of all who took part in project is 840 831 participants) The intended target was successfully reached and all goals identified in the project were met. Thanks to the implementation of the project "Good Climate for the Sea" Youth from all over Poland had the opportunity to become acquainted with the issues of the Baltic Sea ecologist and in an active and tangible way to be ecologically active. A series of films is available in several language versions. This film will serve the school in promoting the environmental attitudes of the other pupils. Pupils from schools which were participating in project were able to gain knowledge and will certainly pass on to the other students and many more. Project contributed to the creation of dozens of blogs about ecology. Students and others could take part in coastal campaigns promoting the project and ecology of the Baltic Sea.
Summary of bilateral results