There is a need to stop the decrease in regional populations of Charadriiformes species near river island habitats. The main project objective is improving the conservation status of the Charadriiformes species important for the Natura 2000 sites Dolina Dolnej Wisły PLB04000 and Żwirownia Skoki PLB040005. The project outcome is strengthened regional populations of Charadriiformes species and improved conservation status and perspectives of maintaining bird biotopes. The project will reduce negative effects of human impact on the environment, limit the disturbance due to human activities on the breeding areas and stop the process of vegetation succession on islands with active bird breeding colonies. The project will result in: 2 artificial nesting habitats for Charadriiformes on floating platforms; 3 restored islands for Charadriiformes; 1 new islands for Charadriiformes; birds monitoring data for Natura 2000 sites covered by the project; 20 educational boards; and a technical report on the protection of birds guidelines in Lower Vistula River water management. The local community and the public more generally will benefit from the project.
Summary of project results
All activities planned within the project have been implemented, the final report has been approved. Results of implementation of the entire project: increased capacity within environmental NGOs promoting biodiversity; improved condition of protection of species covered by projects on Natura 2000 sites. Number of species covered by protection aimed at achieving the output: 7. Within the project the following activities were implemented: organization of the conferences, publication of a educational materials and the website. Biodiversity conservation measures were implemented by one non-governmental organization.
Summary of bilateral results