Platform of Human Rights Organisations in Malta (PHROM)

Project facts

Project promoter:
Project Number:
Target groups
Non governmental organisation
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 36,229
The project is carried out in:

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PHROM is the set up of Malta’s first ever network of voluntary organisations working in human rights. Membership is open to any organisation working to improve the quality of human rights enjoyment, whether through service-provision, public awareness or advocacy. Aim is attracting members from varied human rights sectors, to promote cross-sectoral dialogue and learning and to underline the need to view human rights as structural to Malta’s overall democratic growth. PHROM offers human rights NGOs the possibility of speaking with one strong voice in favour of the universal recognition of all human rights for all persons. Project Outcomes: Training on coalition building, awareness-raising campaigns on human rights; NGO/Media partnerships: social and human rights areas; Cross-border cooperation: building democracy and protection human rights; Advocacy campaigns on human rights issues; watchdog roles of NGOs Direct benefit of the project for the above marked target group: NGOs

Summary of project results

There is a distinct lack of coordination and discussion amongst human rights NGOs and only a limited number of NGOs are engaging in policy in legal discussions with government stakeholders. This causes low levels of national awareness on human rights principles, which leads to discrimination, at times also institutionalised, against specific groups of persons and human rights violations with little accountability and responsibility. PHROM has developed a platform for open discussion and learning for human rights NGOs in Malta, with the aim of increasing their individual and group capacity to advocate for human rights values. The projects outcomes: 1) to foster active citizenship and participatory democracy by launching a human rights platform; 2) another outcome is the advocacy, watchdog and monitoring activities, it was partially reached, because Malta human rights report was published after the projects end date and only 1 of the 2 capacity-building session were carried out due to the limited availability of Executive Committee and the Member Organisations, it was decided to postpone the session to a later date; 3) awareness-raising activities were partially achieved, PHROM maintained a steady media presence, launched an event were 2 local news portals and the national TV station gave coverage, published an advert in a newspaper, updated PHROMs website and social media pages (Facebook and Twitter), held the final conference on the Human Rights Report (but only after the project), issued 2 statements, one related to the tragic death at sea of migrants and the other on environmental issues, but the publicity event was not held; 4) multicultural dialogue activities were achieved - as a result of the network established through the setting up of the platform, PHROM, obtained funding through the Malta Community Chest Fund; 5) participation in policy and decision-making process was only partially achieved – a contact with a ministry was established, a Civil Society Statement was issued, participated in the Annual Fundamental rights platform conference, training courses and a introductory letter to the minister was sent, although the documentation support in some of these cases were lacking; 6) the coalition building session was organised but not open to all NGOs; 7) mutual learning and dissemination was partially achieved, because the final conference was held after the project end date and there was also a lack of supporting documentation.

Summary of bilateral results