Although there are significant urgent environmental problems in Malta and a number of voluntary organizations focused on different areas (such as water, agriculture, climate etc), lack of financial and human resources present a significant obstacle to the work of these NGOs. The overall objective of the project is establishing a platform for environmental NGOs as well as other small NGOs whose work area is related to environmental issues (such as public health, water etc) in Malta to strengthen networking among these NGOS for joint advocacy activities as well as increasing their fundraising and communications skills for better management of these organizations through training and workshops. A full time project manager will be hired once registered and regular meetings will be organized at the platform office and NGOs will be encouraged to hold further meetings. Women and youth members of the NGOs will be particularly encouraged to attend these trainings and take active roles. Through a youth camp in summer, the project aims to reach more young volunteers, increase knowledge and encourage them to participate in the environmental movement.
Summary of project results
The purpose of this project is to bring together environmental NGOs to work towards protection and policy change on key environmental issues in Malta, to strengthen networking among these NGOs in order to carry out joint advocacy activities as well as increasing their advocacy, fundraising and communications skills and result in better management of these organisations through trainings and workshops. In order to reach these gaols a platform was established, training and workshops were organised, social media, TV and radio were used to gain publicity, articles were published and a trip to Brussels was made. The projects outcomes: 1) to establish a platform and networking among the members and increase the platforms visibility, a platform was registered with the Office of the Commissioner, information on the project and platform was distributed on 18 face to face meetings (2 more than was targeted), 18 NGOs joined the platform (8 more than proposed in the project), 4 meetings were held by the platform (as planned), a meeting to apply MEUSAC to represent Maltese NGOs in Malta and EU was held, at which MEUSAC became a member; 2) to increase the platforms capacity in advocacy and NGO management, 5 different trainings took place, where the targeted number was ether achieved or exceeded the expectations, and 8 NGOs (2 more than stated in the plan) visited Brussels to establish a network with EU institutions; 3) to agree on a common strategy and key issue to be tackled – for this purpose 3 meetings (as stated in the project) to identify the most important issue the platform should campaign on were held, also 6 meeting (of the 2 proposed) with key government bodies related to campaign issue were held, and the first advocacy plan was finalised; 4) for new volunteers (young adults and women) to join the platform, 29 out of the targeted 40 volunteers attended a two day Youth Camp and trained on environmental issues and were given basic advocacy skills, 1 organization was made to occasionally work on women’s rights issues, 5 articles were published in national media, 6 (1 more than stated in the project) TV and radio appearances were made, and a communication plan was prepared.
Summary of bilateral results