Integration of Third Country Nationals in Malta research depicts the challenges encountered by this group in relation to policies and practices related to employment, education, family reunification, residence, culture and language. In the last 5 years, FSM has assisted several TCNs in accessing these rights by providing information and advice, by connecting TCNs to several agencies providing services for persons facing discriminatory practices, by raising awareness among the general public about the rights of TCNs, and by lobbying with agencies and government Ministries for the rights of TCNs. By developing a support network TCN groups can benefit from a much larger platform which can empower them further in representing their needs, in negotiating with key stakeholders, and in generating and sharing resources to develop their organizations and communities. The main objective for developing a TCN Support Network in Malta, is to empower Third Country Nationals living in Malta to represent their interests effectively by using democratic, organizational and representation processes to build coalition, networking and support.
Summary of project results
The number of Third Country Nationals (TCN) in Malta has increased drastically in the last 10 years and so has the need for their successful integration in Maltese society. The Foundation for Shelter and Support to Migrants (FSM) and other organisations in Malta have encountered several TCNs who needed assistance in accessing their rights in Malta, and have strived to empower such individuals and groups by providing information, raising awareness, creating multi-cultural dialogue and giving them a voice in Maltese society. However, powerful stake holders such as employers discriminate TCNs especially because of their vulnerability and because of that they are often left unchecked. This often creates dependence, fear and instability in the lives of TCN communities, and lead to social exclusion and segregation. The main objective for this project was to develop a TCN Support network to empower TCNs living in Malta to represent their interest effectively by using democratic, organisational and representation processes to build coalition, networking and support. Seminars, workshops, information sessions and cultural events were also held to achieve this goal. At the end of the project most of the outcomes were reached: 1) in order to develop a TCN Support network, groups were identified and research document published, although, while the target number was 15 groups, the number of groups identified were not specified; 5 training events and 2 consultation meetings with Bairros took place (target – 6 capacity building initiatives); 30 meetings were held for evaluation of training events, network and statute development, leadership and planning activities (target – 30 meetings); membership information was given to 16 organisations (target – 12); 1 cultural event, 1 launch, 2 seminars, and 5 newspaper articles and 1 appearance on a major news programme on the national station TVM were held (in total 10, as was the target). 2) for members of TCN Support Network to increase their capacity to collectively engage in dialogue and advocacy with government officials, agencies, service providers and other key stakeholders, 18 consultation sessions were given to different groups, 2 less than planed (target – 20 meetings); 6 training events that 12 organisations have participated in were successfully completed (target – only 6 groups); and 7 meetings were held, less than anticipated (target – 10).
Summary of bilateral results