Development of energy efficient aluminum melt pump

Project facts

Project promoter:
MHD Research Centre SIA
Project Number:
Target groups
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 81,828
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to develop a new product, an energy efficient aluminium melt pump. Natural gas is a source of energy in aluminium melting furnaces. But natural gas is a non-renewable fossil fuel, the use of which promotes the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment. The new developed equipment will be both more efficient and cheaper in terms of acquisition and maintenance. The new product will be based on the unique technology developed at the Institute of Physics, of the University of Latvia which provides a cylindrical rotating permanent magnet system being used in the movement for inducing liquid metal.. The grants support to the project will contribute towards innovative entrepreneurial activity that conform with the Latvia’s Sustainable Development Strategy until 2030.

Summary of project results

MHD Research Centre is the spin-off company that was established as a start-up company in Latvia. Idea of the project was to create aluminium melt pump with a new technology that would replace traditionally used system. The new technology is no-contact electromagnetic pump that comprises several know-how elements. The project was supported under the Norway grant programme in Latvia with total grant amount 90 920 EUR. The grant support ensured prototype development. The project helped to realise the potential of new technology. Initially the team had set baseline that technology will be 10 times more efficient but after project implementation test results showed that it can be even 12 times more efficient. The company’s long term goal is to become one of world players in field of MHD technologies for metallurgy.

Summary of bilateral results