The aim of the project is based on the biopolymer material developed and patented by Riga Technical University, which is suitable for seed tapes, different types of packing and other auxiliary materials, to ensure preconditions for the production of new biopolymer articles in Latvia, thus satisfying the growing demand for materials harmless for the nature. There is a high demand for biopolymer packing designed for biofood, as well as high-quality products and branded products with specific requirements. The project will ensure development of biopolymer granules and biodegradable bio composite seed tapes. The primary target group for seed tapes are agricultural cooperative companies engaged in vegetable-growing, plant nurseries, farms and vegetable farms. The project will be developed within the Green Technology incubator.
Summary of project results
There is a high demand in the market for biopolymer packing designed for biofood, as well as high-quality products and branded products with specific requirements. SIA Biokompoztītmateriālu institūts has implemented Norway grant project in Latvia that offers biopolymer granules and biodegradable bio composite seed tapes. The new product is produced from biopolymer material developed and patented by Riga Technical University. The material is biodegradable, does not pollute the soil, and it is compostable in home furnishings. No toxic substances are used in the manufacturing process of the material. Biopolymers, bio-packaging materials and their products in the soil are biodegradable in moist soil for four months. Project was implemented within the Green Technology incubator supported by Norway grants.
Summary of bilateral results