During preliminary visits of Riga Technical University (RTU) by representatives of partner universities (University of Iceland and University of Liechtenstein) - the field of Information Technology was identified as one of the strongest common fields of interest on behalf of both partner universities and RTU. Collaboration within the EEA Grant projects will enhance the quality of higher education at RTU and partner institutions. Students taking part in the project will gain a broader view on life in general as well as gain a variety of theoretical and practical skills which differ from those acquired at the sending institution. The experience obtained will improve their chances of finding a well-paid and challenging job in the country of their choice. Students and academic staff which will have participated in the project will be able to share the newly obtained knowledge and skills with their peers, thus ensuring sustainability of the investment in their education and exchange of experience.
Summary of project results
The aim of project was to expand cooperation field with Lichtenstein University - before the project there were cooperation in field of architecture only. Several activities were not carried out until the end of project, including academic staff and student mobility. The project was approved 3 months later than expected and did not get extension. Academic staff was not interested in participating since scholarship amount did not cover all costs. The members of the partner institutions were expecting other dates when applied, therefore the new schedules did not meet their expectations. Out of 4 student and 8 academic staff mobility conducted only 1 student and 1 academic staff mobility were carried out. Despite these challenges, a Master level student from Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (RTU) went to Liechtenstein, which was an important part of his master thesis. He had a chance to work closely with a local adviser specialising in ERP systems and set objectives for his research work, as well as improve his German language skills. 8 ECTS were received. After coming back to Latvia he expressed satisfaction with his choice to go to Liechtenstein, as he had the chance to learn more about his career perspectives on a European scale, not only at national level. The academic staff mobility resulted in an exchange of information about organisation of studies, financial sources and requirements of enrolling of students and reasons of drop-outs. Prof. Jānis Grundspeņķis went to the University of Iceland, where within 2 weeks they had an experience exchange with colleagues from Iceland, discussing about teaching methods in information technologies, the upcoming challenges and the possible ways how to reduce the drop-out rate within students. The visit also strengthened the connection between both institutions.
Summary of bilateral results
The project led to more strictly defined common fields of interests and broadened possibilities to help with information exchange. The partners have established opportunities for their academic staff to engage in cooperation possibilities with universities abroad. New teaching methods are acquired, with a focus on flexibility in the teaching process. A future cooperation is possible in joint research projects and double degree programmes.