The project reflects the key focus areas in Strategic focus of Rezekne Higher Education Institution: (1) the need to experience best examples of integrating innovation in studies and research; (2) create valuable, international programs in the field of innovation; (3) observe examples of innovation support infrastructure. The project's impacts will be a direct reflection the objectives (1) by learning best examples of integrating innovation in studies and research, these areas will achieve higher standards in the innovation area; (2) The project foresees using the gained knowledge to improve the bachelor program „Technology and innovation” and make approbation for newly created program in a smooth way; (3) by observing examples of innovation support infrastructure from the Prekubator Technology Transfer Office and Stavanger Innovation Park the experience will be used to create more proper services for innovation support infrastructure.
Summary of project results
Aim of the project corresponds to the key focus areas of the Strategic focus of Rezekne Academy of Technologies (RTA): (1) necessity to learn best examples of integrity of innovation studies and research; (2) create valuable, international program in area of innovation; (3) observe examples of innovation support infrastructure. Norwegians have centuries-old and stable traditions in the development of innovations. The institutes of the university function in the largest state hospitals, and a part of museums and art establishments are under their management too. The development of innovations in Norway is successful due to an effective and continuous policy that are being improved and developed already for 150 years; therefore participants of the mobility learned a lot from collegues from UiS. The quality of study process, the involvement of students in inspirational adventure, the accordance with the needs of the labour market and economic growth are the things RTA expect from higher education institutions. How universities adapt to the fast, modern pace and changes and what novel methods are applied in each separate subject, these are frequently called novelties. To put into practice the experience gained in Norway and introduce innovations in the study process, including two new study programmes of Rezekne Academy of Technologies (RTA), within the framework of the project, four leading researchers of Rezekne Academy of Technologies, including Sandra Murinska-Gaile and Ērika Žubule – the directors of the new study programmes, set out to research the study process innovations (all 6 planned mobilities were implemented). Gained knowledge during the mobilities will be implemented in new study programmes launched by RTA.
Summary of bilateral results
During the visits to the University of Stavanger, researchers of Rezekne Academy of Technologies took part, with the aim to acquire innovation implementation methods in the study process and to study the situation in the organization of business studies in Norway, which could be useful for the improvement of the study programme in RTA. Academic staff, that was involved in mobilities, had an opportunity to present their research results, new product technologies in the field of tele-rehabilitation and inputs for the further RTA projects in common fairs, so the Norwegian colleagues have a better idea of potential cooperation with Latvians. The participants of the mobility became acquainted with the process of research commercialization at the Technology transfer centre Valide (previous name iPark), which includes both business incubator, patents and licensing office, innovation research centre, and the agency of innovation institute activity and national support programme Innovation Norway.