Capacity building organizing the scholarship activities for students and academic staff at the Riga Stradiņš University

Project facts

Project promoter:
Riga Stradins university
Project Number:
Target groups
Teachers, trainers, managers, leaders and other staff within higher education institutions
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 7,241
The project is carried out in:


Project overall aim is to raise the capacity of academic staff and students by enhancing the bilateral research cooperation between Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) and University of Bergen (UiB). Project has one general target: raise the capacity of academic staff (2 persons) in nutritional education and research. Latvia and Norway both are Northern European countries with similar nutritional traditions that provide a great collaboration field between our countries. Collaboration will be targeted for knowledge acquirement that could be further reasonably implemented in local areas, and will provide a good base for further cooperation in nutritional field. Cooperation between both universities will give a new experience and knowledge for Latvian and foreign academic staff for study process and research field – new and innovative research methods could be introduced in our universities improving educational and scientific base. New international training experience of academic staff will be obtained and would be introduced in local institutions to raise the professional quality. Knowledge about wholegrain influence on health will be cognized which will give a possibility for new methodical learning material preparation for students, medical professionals or general public.

Summary of project results

Project overall aim was to raise the capacity of academic staff by enhancing the bilateral research cooperation between Riga Stradiņš University (RSU) and University of Bergen (UiB). Project had one general target: raise the capacity of academic staff in nutritional education and research. All 4 academic staff mobilities were implemented and the project results were achieved. Project “Capacity building organizing the scholarship activities for students and academic staff at the Riga Stradins University” is implemented in synergy with project "Innovative approach to hull-less spring cereals and triticale use from human health perspective", No. NFI/R/2014/011. During all project in the mobility participated two persons: Laila Meija (key researcher) and Liga Balode (researcher) which are employed in Research project 4th work package. There was a possibility to meet nutritional scientists in Norway and introduce them with Research project idea, process, methodology and final results. RSU researchers were introduced with research projects in University of Bergen. In common discussions, RSU researchers get ideas how to improve research methodology, quality and continuity. Also, both institutions discussed about project, common researches and participation in scientific conferences.

Summary of bilateral results

The Project brought together academic staff from RSU and Bergen University. This gave a new experience and knowledge for Latvian and Norwegian academic staff to improve study process and research field. Both universities discussed about innovative research methods. As a one of results was improvement of project’s “Innovative approach to hull-less spring cereals and triticale use from human health perspective” research methodology, quality and continuity. Academic staff also got new international training experience and was introduced with best practices which are used in work with students. RSU complemented list research themes, for example, malnutrition. Participation in this project set a background for future cooperation in academic field. Researchers from Bergen University already participated in scientific conference which was organized in RSU. RSU researchers are invited to participate in conferences organized by Bergen University next year.