EU Policies Impact to the Transformations of the Higher Education and Research System in Norway and Latvia

Project facts

Project promoter:
University of Latvia
Project Number:
Target groups
Researchers or scientists
Final project cost:
From Norway Grants:
€ 452,153
The project is carried out in:


Overall objective of the project is to enhance higher education and research in Latvia and Norway. Project results and future development will contribute to the quality and effectiveness of the leadership and governance in the field of research and higher education in Europe and the results would be useful for other EU countries and it would open up opportunities for further cooperation within the framework of Horizon 2020. The project aims at exploring ways how to expand strategic partnerships with national and international stakeholders in order to secure sustainable development of higher educational institutions in line with EU policies. The project would apply the roadmap approach and focus on EU and field related policy documents in Latvia and Norway. Outcomes: Strengthened research capacity and increased application of research results: 1 internationally refereed scientific publications, 3 scientific publications co-authored by one or more reserchers from Norway and Latvia and 4 scientific publications. Project results will be disseminated and presented by the national and international level publications, during joint working seminars, conference and networks. The project unites 4 partners (1 from Norway and 3 from Latvia) with different competences and capacities within the HER system evaluation and implementation. NIFU is an independent social science research institute in Norway and will contribute with their scientific experience and knowlegde in studies of innovation, research and education at all levels.

Summary of project results

The project was aimed on focusing on Europeanizing of systems of higher education and research in Norway and Latvia, and analysing the implementation of Europe 2020, Horizon 2020, Bologna reforms, Lisbon strategy objectives for higher education and research. Overarching analytical framework was made and the analysis conducted in the project has resulted in several journal articles, as well as supplementary empirical data that have been used to prepare the strategy Roadmap. During the project research team explored deeper the governance and transformation of higher education and research institutions towards entrepreneurial university, impact of EU and national policies on strategies of institutions, dealing with pedagogical issues, influence of policies on faculty development and financing of higher education institutions. Webpage is maintained for the purpose of informing academic community and wider society on the progress of the project. 7 PhD students were involved in the project daily activities such as literature reviews, data collection, and data analysis activities. The students also participate in joint working seminars and expert meetings. Research publications developed during the project are published in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and the currently five are indexed in research paper data basis Scopus and Web of Science. Additionally project results were presented in two press conferences, project webpage in Latvian and English languages. Project intermediate results were discussed among stakeholders on joint working seminars and expert meetings. Project result presentations and future cooperation development proposals were presented during the project and after the project on number of conferences and meetings of international HER institutions. Consolidated opinion of the completeness percentage of the project results is 94%. Project results were evaluated by 2 independent external experts and both pointed out low quality of publications and self-plagiarism and lack of evidence, that project results are sustainable. By expert opinion, sustainability of results could be estimated in case there will be submitted application in H2020. Also status of the Roadmap should have been defined and it had to be properly disseminated.

Summary of bilateral results

This project stimulated research cooperation between partners in Latvia and Norway. In the beginning the partners developed analytical and national framework that helped to use these shared knowledge for further data collection and development of research papers. Through the project activities the focus of new trends of the development of the higher education system in both countries laid and new research topics were appraised (e.g. entrepreneurial universities) and those would be topical in the research agenda for the next decade. The project strengthened institutional research capacity and extensive exchange of the experience between partners in Latvia and Norway took place. It was little developed field in Latvia and during the project researchers from various fields become more involved in the research in the field of higher education. All this additionally stimulates long-term cooperation between Latvian and Norwegian research institutions, their capacity and competences. The project developed and strengthened the network of the researchers in the field of institutional research. Partners in Latvia gained a rich experience from NIFU partners in Norway in the fields that has so far been underdeveloped in Latvia. The main output of this bilateral cooperation is development of the research of new trendy topics in the higher education area, as well as increased research potential of partners in Latvia. Participation in the project has impacted Latvian partner organisations directly rising competences and capacities of involved researches and students and providing possibility for the long term cooperation between Latvia and Norway. All project partners had agree to disseminate and use project results on own views as wide as it is possible as far as it meets project objectives. Still every time there should be at least oral agreement between all involved authors.