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Project facts

Project promoter:
Aglona Education Promotion Organization
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 16,206
The project is carried out in:


The aim of the project is to support children, young people and families with children who are exposed to social exclusion, to promote their integration into society. The project will be implemented in Aglona. The target group of the project is the disadvantaged 35 children, 24 young people, 12 families with children, 2 persons with disabilities. The main activities of the project: educational training program, multi-functional room services, specialists support, preventive measures, socially corrective measures. The results of the project: implemented 36h training program for work with children and young people who are at risk of social exclusion, established and equipped multifunctional room "Afternoon stop" , organized 2 specialists (psychologist, art therapist) consultations, organized preventive measures (2 creative studios: " Theatre Studio," „Musical Studio") and 2 workshops: „Handicrafts Workshop”, „Crafters Workshops", 2 socially corective measures.

Summary of project results

The aim of the Project was to support children, young people and families with children who are exposed to social exclusion, to promote their integration into society. The project was implemented in Aglona. The target group of the project was the disadvantaged 40 children, 49 young people, 15 families with children, 4 persons with disabilities. Other beneficiaries are the public in Aglona and Latgale. The project main outputs are: the training program (36h) for work with children and young people who are at risk of social exclusion has organized for teachers, parents, specialists; a multifunctional room "Afternoon stop" was established and equipped; psychological counselling, art therapist advice were provided for families with children; preventive measures (“Theatre Studio," „Musical Studio", „Handicrafts Workshop”, „Crafters Workshops") were organized for 32 children and youth people to organize their afterschool leisure time; 43 people have participated in educational visit to Zemgale region of Latvia.

Summary of bilateral results