Lack of funding makes it difficult to ensure targeted and sustainable operation of the association. The project provides the opportunity to expand its activities and to ensure its sustainability, as well as to encourage civic participation. Objective of project is to strengthen sustainability and capacity of the association „Balta Maja” in order to promote the processes of participatory democracy in Latgale region. The Project will provide improvement of quality of the services, ensure further development of the association's activities, promote volunteering, develop cooperation among NGOs and interest groups of Livani district, promote cooperation with NGOs from Latgale region and other regions of the country. 15 members of the association will be trained and will gain new knowledge and skills, premises of the Day Care Center will be renovated and adjusted. Main target groups are the NGO members and local residents.
Summary of project results
During the implementation of the program the intended results were achieved, and the project’s planned impact on the target audience was ensured. The methods chosen for the implementation of the project activities, the content of the implemented activities and the achieved results of the project have been appropriate for the project target group’s needs and interests. Implementation of the project has increased the project promoter’s- the association’s “Balta maja” capacity, knowledge of members, volunteers and staff and has provided opportunities to gain new experience from other NGOs examples of good practice. Within the framework of the project the staff and members of the association “Balta maja” have increased their level of knowledge and improved their skills. This will enable them to provide more fruitful contribution and ensure the sustainability of the organization. Due to the training the communication among employees and clients has improved. The acquired knowledge will be used in all fields of activity of the association; the acquisition of the EU Structural Funds and other funds financing will be promoted to ensure maintenance of the results after the end of the project in accordance with the aims and objectives of the association. Successful development and operational improvements of the association “Balta maja” will have a positive impact on the Livani district resident life quality in the long term and will contribute to the development of new NGO sector initiatives. The implementation of the project has helped to ensure the transmission of experience to other NGOs, especially to those which provide social services and to those whose target groups are seniors or rural residents. Very useful experience was gained in the experience exchange trips aimed to familiarize with the situation of NGOs in the neighbouring countries – Estonia and Lithuania.
Summary of bilateral results