The project is aimed at ensuring access to therapeutic horseback riding for children with disabilities living in Ķekava Municipality, psychotherapist support groups for families of these children, and an innovative promotion of integration of these families in the society and culture. The project will support children with disabilities and their families, as well as will promote integration of these children in society. Within the project, a programme of 20 therapeutic horseback riding classes will be provided to 30 children with disabilities, four support groups for parents will be established, as well as various integrating activities will be implemented. The target group of the project is children with disabilities and their parents living in Ķekava Municipality.
Summary of project results
The project was to ensure the availability of reittherapy for children with disabilities in Kekava, psychotherapy support groups for families of these children, as well as an innovative way to promote the integration of these families in society and culture.The target group was children with disabilities and their parents in Kekava district.The project was implemented in Kekava district and Garkalne area.The project results:were conducted 20reittherapy lessons course (30 children with disabilities); were conducted 32sessions for parents support group at the leading of psychotherapist (32parents);was organized one integration activity with concert program and 4creative workshops (160members,including 30children with disabilities,and about 130residents of Kekava);were conducted 36 Gramatu tarpins classes, of which 9with the participation of guest artists (50children, including 5children with disabilities);was organized project’s final conference (20members).The Project was a good tool to raise the issue of children with disabilities and their families in Ķekavas community. The working group was established in conference of the project that includes representatives of project applicant, government, social service, target group as well as two representatives of NGOs. Working group has already met two times and made decisions about writing projects to support and promote the integration of children with disabilities and their families. Working group will meet once every two months.Library’s team will continue an activity Grāmatu tārpiņš that welcome children with disabilities, and the municipality undertook to finds a finances to support this activity. Also there is plan that every September “Ķekavas municipality and Ķekavas Cultural Centre will organize event like “Jampadracis” for children and young people, which specially will include children with disabilities.Currently a number of parents have expressed willingness and interest to continue meet in support groups.
Summary of bilateral results