Salutogenesis – important method for active support and successful social integration into society of children and young people with special needs

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Latvian Civil society support center
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 93,229
The project is carried out in:

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The project’s aim is to promote favourable conditions for social inclusion of children and youth with disabilities exposed to social exclusion risk, as well as their families, to enhance common understanding about the rights of children and youth with disabilities and their possibilities in various fields of life, to raise awareness. Within the project a national-scale study will be carried out about efficiency of the salutogenic approach and examples of good practice providing possibilities to children and youth with disabilities to live a socially wholesome life. Recommendations and examples of good practice will be published, seminars about salutogenic approach in work with families with children and youth with disabilities and an innovative information campaign about salutogenesis will be organised. Target group: youth, families with children, persons with disabilities, representatives of local governments and social workers, representatives of mass media, family physicians, society in general and NGO employees.

Summary of project results

Project strived to promote overall understanding of various society groups about child and youth disability and their abilities and possibilities in various aspects of life. Project also aimed at increasing the understanding of media about its role in the process of society’s attitude towards disability change. The project Objectives were achieved by implementing national level research on effectiveness of salutogenetic approach and identifying best practice examples related to successful integration of children and youth with disability into society; organized regional training/ creative laboratories for children and youth and their family members and social support network members on effectiveness and importance of salutogenetic approach in the process of promotion of active participation into society’s life; public information campaign about salutogenesis as method for social support of children and youth with disability enabling them to life full and socially wholesome life. Project resulted in: • publication of Recommendation and best practice book for NGOs, municipalities, family doctors, media etc.; • implemented 2 seminars for professionals on strategies and practical ways how to apply salutogenetic method in work with families with children with disabilities; • implemented 2 seminars for families and personal support system members on strategies and practical ways how to apply salutogenetic method in work with children with disabilities • implemented 1 seminar for children and young people with disabilities on ways how to become aware, comprehend one’s own abilities and strengths and how to apply them in the integration process into society • 20 regional teams, 73 families and 25 young people were trained to apply salutogenetic method in their everyday life and functioning; • Implemented innovative and appealing public information campaign about salutegenesis as important social support method for children and youth with disability and facilitator for their inclusion into various fields of social life.

Summary of bilateral results

Two Partner organizations were involved in implementing project activities and achieving project results. Norwegian partner – Norvegian Science and Technology University Sor-Trondelag University College Health promotion and health resource research center with their extensive expertise was invlved in all project activities (1.,2.,3.,4.,5) except management. Their experts and expertise was available to a much greater extent than was planned at the beginning – they were always available when project needed them. Their relations and connections in other countries were put at the disposal of the project and that helped to achieve even more that then the project planned at the beginning. Cooperation with Norvegian partners can be recognised as very positive. We definitely want to cooperate with this partner again in other projects. We have already discussed various projects with them and are looking forward to learn from theam again. CSO „Kabatiņa” as project partner was involved in the project management, activity 0, and provided valuable expertise in work with parents. Cooperation with this partner can be recognised as positive.