Musical Stop for reducing children and young people exclusion in Jelgava Old city

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association Children and Youth Music Club
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Elderly people
Initial project cost:
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 18,283
The project is carried out in:


The project will help the people living in Jelgava Old city region. The project concerns persons who are at risk when it comes to social exclusion, integration and inclusion in the society. They will be promoted by implementing a set of creative and social measures. The target groups are children, families, seniors and young people at risk for social exclusion in Jelgava. The project will strengthen the community in Jelgava Old city, improve social and living environment, by implementing complementary activities, activating local society, improving integration and ensuring a thematic leisure time activity- center accessibility for children and young people at risk for social exclusion.

Summary of project results

The project was very important initiative to ensure accessibility of the meaningful thematic leisure time for children and young people at social exclusion risk in the Jelgava Old City. All aims set up in the project was fully reached. All indicators of the project were achieved, some of them was even strongly exceed – project activities were attended very actively. One of the most important project activities was establishment and running of the thematic leisure time activities’ centre in the Jelgava Old City. Centre worked every work day afternoon and provided different interesting and meaningful possibilities to spend free time, communicate, learn something new instead of spend time on the streets. There were 193 unique target group persons who visited the centre (planned indicator – 150) Complementing thematic leisure time activitie’s centre project organized 20 musical classes, 5 motivation seminars – creative evenings, 4 concert-lectures of the popular musicians, 3 volunteering cleanups, 2 creative intergenerational poetry – music evenings and one creative evening with children and youngster and their parents. Musical classes and lectures developed talents, raised motivation and improved creativity and self-expression. Creative evenings and volunteering activities strengthened Jelgava Old city community and improved measures of life environment of the region as well as promoted volunteering. Influence of the project was appropriate to the micro project – project was very important initiative in Jelgava Old city perspective. Main target group addressing tools were – social networks and individual approach. Families and parents were addressed by e-mail communication. There were informative flyers developed before important project activities. Project partner – Jelgava Senior organization is also located in the Jelgava Old city. Organization involved seniors in the project activities. Participation of the partner was very important project aspect, without it would not be impossible to reach aim that strengthens Jelgava Old city community.

Summary of bilateral results