Social exclusion is caused by poor socialization skills and low self-esteem, which are formed in the first years of life in communication between children and their parents. Traditionally this interaction was provided by songs and games, used in everyday life. Nowadays this kind of children's development through games in daily life has disappeared. The project offers an innovative approach for reduction of social exclusion. The project's goal is to ensure a more positive development of the next generation. To achieve that, we will educate parents about children's growth, and teach the traditional ways, how to use the knowledge in everyday life. 15 families from Lādezers will take a part in 2 camps and 30 workshops, where songs about family will be learned and explored, and recorded (1000 CD copies). 9 schools in Limbaži district will have a course of lectures (27 lectures). A medical officer will provide knowledge about the development of children, and folklorists will show how to involve it in family daily life.
Summary of project results
The project was necessary to ensure the popularization and promoting of the knowledge and understanding about the importance of communication in the family. The target groups of the project were Social exclusion and poverty at risk population, including: 36 children, 256 young people, 22 families with children. As well as 23 Limbaži county municipal educators of educational institutions and 9 volunteers. The understanding, knowledge and experience on the subject of communication in the family that the participants obtained during the project will be daily used in the everyday life of the participating families. Project’s target (to promote peoples abilities of overcoming the social risk factors by consummating their communication skills, by strengthening the importance of the family and by forming understanding about the importance of the preventive events in social field) according to the project's plan provided for the quantitative and qualitative results, can be regarded as absolutely achieved. It provided the knowledge and understanding about the communication between the parent and a child not only to existing parents, but also “future parents”, developed communication skills and also made a methodical material with examples and encouragement to build communication. The activities of the project were connected with the preventive social events, and that ensures the support of wholesome process of children’s up bringing in existing and/or potential families. Publicity of the projects measures that was provided both to the target society and to the rest of the surrounding society was building an understanding about the publicly important work, that is directed to the wholesome development of the next generation. Thereby also active civic participation was promoted.The intended results were fully achieved during the project- the two three days long family camps were visited by 17 families, the concertlectures about the role of communication in children’s development was shown to 250 young people and 30 adults, a family themed folklore program was prepared in folk group “Lādīte” and shown in several concerts.
Summary of bilateral results