The Project's aim is to promote acquisition of useful skills, motivation and integration of people in pre-retirement and retirement age and youth at risk of social exclusion, to encourage dialogue between generations, to motivate participants to work together and solve current problems. The project targets youth at risk of social exclusion (age 18-30) and people in pre-retirement and retirement age (age 50-70). The Project will be implemented in Daugavpils; The project activities include common activities for youth at risk of social exclusion and for people in pre-retirement and retirement age.
Summary of project results
The society „ERFOLG” implemented the project „Inspire generation” in Daugavpils from 25.10.2014 to 24.10.2015. There were organized 159 activities, in which were involved 157 young people and 137 people of preretirement and retirement age, in total 294 representatives of target group. Within the project were organized 4 trainings “Communication and cooperation culture” (in total 16 academic hours), 5 trainings “Management of emotions” (in total 10 academic hours), 5 activities of “Antistress” (in total 10 academic hours), 40 activities “Dance classes” (in total 80 academic hours), 40 activities of “Social painting classes” (in total 80 academic hours), 40 activities of “Pottery classes” (in total 80 academic hours), 20 activities of “Theatre classes” (in total 40 academic hours), 5 “Pottery workshops” (in total 10 academic hours). Every participant filled in the evaluation form at the end of the activities. The part of the participants marked that they would like to participate in the similar activities with the great pleasure again. Therefore, can be concluded that the youth and the people of preretirement and retirement age became more active and the project influenced their civic position. It was planned to involve 290 representatives of the target audience in the project activities, but within the project were involved 294 representatives of the target audience: 256 women and 38 men. The participants had the possibility to get the wide range of services within the project for free. There is no possibility to get this kind of activities for free every day. The programme included creative workshops, activities which referred to the overcoming of stress and popularization of healthy and active lifestyle. There were created a film “Inspire generation”, the example of good practice and the guidelines for the active and healthy life with the useful information and advices (total amount 300 issues, which will be distributed among the project participants, in the partner organization (the target audience of the partner organization are the people of the preretirement and of retirement age) and the society ERFOLG (the work of society is mainly connected with the youth integration), as well as public authorities (Daugavpils City Council and other public and local authorities to attract the attention and interest to the project activities).
Summary of bilateral results