Innovative solutions for accessible – socially inclusive product of tourism development in Latvian municipalities

Project facts

Project promoter:
Fund-Jurmala for people
Project Number:
Target groups
Young adults
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 41,129
The project is carried out in:


Aim of the project is promotion of social inclusion and reduction of inequality by developing accessible environment in Latvia. The project will develop basic social services and promote social integration for people with reduced mobility promoting social services and accessibility for socially excluded people with mobility problems to access all kind of places, events and objects in Latvian municipalities. The project will also develop access and information about accessible tourism routes and transport. The target group is persons with limited mobility, that includes new families with small children and new mothers, people with temporary or permanent disabilities, people with visual and hearing disturbance, seniors. Within the project tourism objects in each municipality will be identified, evaluated and recommendations regarding improved accessibility will be developed, a tourism routes will elaborated and tested, 3 tourism object will be adapted for people with mobility problems. Educational seminars for employees of tourism industry about people with movement disabilities will be organized.

Summary of project results

Project is aimed at equel rights to travel around Latvia for everyone. The project was implemented in close cooperation with project partners- Jurmala municipality, Tukums municipality, Aluksne municipality, organisation "Pieejama Latvija" and Norvegian organisation "STOPP DISKRIMINIERENG". Project is contributing to the implementation of UN CRPD Latvia, by promoting the rights of people with disabilities to enjoy the culture, tourism and participate in all activities of daily life. Project has improved environment for people with reduced mobility, thus fulfilling the government"s commitment to meet Convention claims. Project has improved environment for people with reduced mobility and summarized recommendations and conclusions to local authorities for futher improvements. One of the projects goals is to improve the communication with local authorities,and to encoutange private sector to improve accessibility of environment of their services. Special seminars were organised to show that accessibility is not only human rights of people with reduced mobility but also has positive economic background. The main target groups of the project are - young mothers and families, people with physical disabilities and people with visual and hearing disabilities, seniors, and people with temporary disabilities who have limited mobility. Evaluation of all selected tourism object 01.10.2014-31.05.2015 has been made. As result of the evaluation expert opinions were prepared. The opinion includes information about the level of the accessibility of each object as well as the recommendations to make it even more accessible. Accessibility of 3 tourism objects in each municipality was improved or adapted, to make the access to them easier to people with reduced mobility. All information about accessible tourism objects and also about accessible tourism routs was included in the webpage of each municipality.

Summary of bilateral results

Project partner "STOP DISCRIMINATION" was involved in the NGO, which has extensive experience in the environment with reduced mobility and adaptation challenges in identifying people with mobility problems and experience in the collection of information on the accessibility of the environment. Project Partner expert electronically (via Skype): - took part in the project management working group meetings, providing advice and recommendations for the successful implementation of the project; - gave advice environmental accessibility expert object selection criteria for the development and selection. The collaboration with partner can be evaluated as positive.