Inclusion of Animal therapy into the social rehabilitation of abused children

Project facts

Project promoter:
Foundation Center Valdardze
Project Number:
Target groups
Children ,
Victims of intimate-partner violence
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 85,740
The project is carried out in:


The project’s aim is to promote welfare development by implementing an innovative social service providing social rehabilitation to violence victims. The violence victims will be given the opportunity to raise their self-esteem and to reduce the adverse effects of the act of violence on the quality of their lives using the methods of Reittherapy (hippotherapy) and Canistherapy, which helps to reduce the psycho emotional trauma and to avoid further violence against themselves and aggressive and destructive behavior towards others. The project will provide a complex of services that are otherwise non-available to the target group due to the lack of financing. The project will involve children and young people from social exclusion risk groups who have suffered from violence and who receive social rehabilitation at the centre „Valdardze”, as well as at the partners’. A Norwegian partner EKT Rideskole og Husdyrpark also participates in the Project and its task is to share its experience in work with the victims of violence, as well as with children with behavioral issues who have suffered from violence.

Summary of project results

By realizing the project activities,are provided innovative, high-quality, efficient and to the needs of society based rehabilitation service by raising the capacity of public services of the "Centre Valdardze" ,Talsi crisis centre and the crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" . • The number of persons who had taken innovative social services are 618 children who are victims of violence (190 children in the''Center Valdardze ",205 children in the crisis center for families with children" Paspārne ", 223 children in theTalsi Crisis Centre ). • By cooperating with the various fields of professionals from Centre Valdardze , crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" ,Talsi Crisis Centre, as well as inviting the specialists of the reittherapy and kanisterapy was developed the program of the innovative social rehabilitation . • Had organized a 4-day trip to Norway for 6 persons. • Had organized seminar for social rehabilitation service providers to victims of violence - for crisis center experts / 2 days /. 17 specialists are attended the seminar. • Had organized the project start-up workshops, Vidzeme Planning Region - 2 days, Kurzeme Planning Region - 3 days.

Summary of bilateral results

• No. 3 Experience exchange tour / social rehabilitation service provider of victims of violence in Norway / ,. Activity was involved in all three project partners'EKT-riding school and a pet park JSC "," Crisis center for families with children "Paspārne" "foundation" Talsi Crisis Centre ". Latvian of violence against persons with reittherapy method is not engaged, it focuses more on medical problems. It should be emphasized that this program already developed is an innovative and this project is as a pilot project to implement the project activities foreseen. In theory, the development of rehabilitation programs, there were a lot of questions, which could answer our project partner EKJ Riding school and pet park JSC spokeswoman Sissel Thorson Falch.