Experience and Knowledge of Association „Balta Maja” for the Integration of National Minorities into Latvia` s community

Project facts

Project promoter:
Association 'Balta maja'
Project Number:
Target groups
Final project cost:
From EEA Grants:
€ 65,376
The project is carried out in:

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The project contributes to integration of national minorities and NGOs into Latvia`s community enhances the civic participation. In the project Latvian language courses for representatives of national minorities and non-citizens will be provided, intercultural dialogue and integration of national minorities promoted, capacity of national minorities NGOs will be enhanced through promotion of cooperation, active engagement and civic participation. The project is based on the transfer of experience and knowledge of the association „Balta Maja” to national minorities NGOs. The project will contribute to development of a cohesive society.

Summary of project results

The aim of the project was the promotion of inclusion of people from national minorities and NGOs of minorities in Latvian society and involving them in civic collaboration processes. The Project's activities were carried out in Daugavpils, Rezekne, Livani, Jekabpils district. The results of the project: 1)A learning course of the Latvian language (120 lessons) for 100 direct target group representatives - national minorities NGO representatives and activists. 2)An integration course consisting of 100 direct target group representatives- national minorities NGO representatives and activists has been organized, which increased the knowledge about Latvian history, traditions and culture. 3)Interactive events/shows “I love you Latvia because…’’ have been organized in 4 towns, 516 participants have taken part -including 333 representatives of national minorities, non-citizens. 4)4 drama one-act plays have been staged in the Latvian language where the project participants- national minorities’ representatives from NGO have taken part. 5)A two-day event “Integration stage’’ has been organized in Rēzekne where the participants of the project -100 national minorities NGO representatives have taken part; 23 volunteers have helped to prepare and organize the event. 407 representatives of society and 150 local inhabitants have taken part in the event. 6)8 trainings for 20 national minorities NGO leaders have been organized. The capacity of 4 national minorities NGOs has been raised. 7)2 experience exchange events for 25 project organization leaders have been organized. Exchange of experience with 3 organizations of national minorities in Liepāja and 7 organizations in Lithuania have been organized. 8)25 leaders from 5 co-organizations have taken part in 1 event promoting collaboration. 9)1 informative event about the start of the project and 2 informative events about the results of the project have been organized. 10)The publicity of the project has been ensured by: 4 informative broadcasts have been made and shown on Latgale regional television; 3 publications in Latvian and Russian have been prepared and printed in the regional newspapers; 5 informative advertisements in Russian, 10 press releases were prepared and sent. 11)The following project issues have been prepared and widespread: informative “I stand for Latvia’’ (500 copies), 4 informative postcards; informative calendar of the project member organizations (500 copies).

Summary of bilateral results